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An Interview With a Dietician

Retha Booyens is a young, aspiring and passionate individual who has a love for health and wellness. She has a BSc in Dietetics, which she obtained from the North-West University. Her passion for eating healthy and living your best possible life has inspired her to become a dietitian. Retha is a registered dietitian and joined our team at IPS to further spread her wings and be able to help more people to live a healthy lifestyle.

We caught up with Retha and got to know her a little better.

1. What is the role of a dietician?

We focus on correct and healthy eating, while taking an individual’s medical conditions into account. It is not always to lessen what you eat, but more focus is placed on the nutritional value.

2. What preconceived ideas do people have of dietitians?

People always think we are judgmental and will scold them if they do not eat salad every day, when we also love sweet things and those delicious foods at a buffet table.

3. Why have you decided to become a dietitian?

Well, I love eating and everything food related, but I also love being healthy. Dietetics, for me, was the best way of combining these two passions. I did a lot of research after school before I made the decision of becoming a dietitian, and not once have I regretted my choice.

4. What do you love most about your work?

Seeing the difference you can make in a person’s life and seeing a person making a positive change in their own life, not only their diet, but that lasting effect it has on a person. Individuals becoming more confident and who they wish to be. Seeing my clients living their lives in complete abundance.

5. If you had to write an autobiography, what the title of your book be?

What you see is NOT what you get.

6. What are some of the most common nutritional related medical problems?

In my opinion, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which are characterized by unhealthy lifestyles. Some of these diseases include cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes etc. These can lead to bigger health problems. Not all NCDs occur because of an unhealthy lifestyle, but it is one of the modifiable factors.

7. What is your go to snack?

Everyone in the office knows that I always have green Granny Smith apples in my drawer. It is so convenient and it’s a quick booster due to the fructose. It also has high nutritional value and contains fibre, which keeps me fuller for longer, and I feel a lot healthier when I have my apples.

8. What is your favourite cheat meal?

I don’t like the word ‘cheat meal’, because balance in all aspects is key. If I think about what I love the most I would have to choose pizza or pasta (anything Italian actually), accompanied with a glass of wine and I am happy. Luckily, the glass of red wine contains antioxidants which is a bonus.

Retha is ready to make a change in the world and here at IPS Health and Wellness we are excited to aid her on her journey to cultivate a passion for healthy living in this beautiful country of ours.