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Things to remember when exercising outdoors

1. Make sure to dress appropriately:

The key to dressing correctly when exercising outdoors is to dress in layers to ensure that you can take off clothing and put it back on as and when you feel you need to. Don’t forget your hat, gloves and headband to cover and protect your head, hands and ears!

2. Wear Sunscreen:

Remember that sunburn occurs in winter, as well as in summer, so apply sunscreen and a lip balm with sunscreen, before and during exercise.

3. Do both warm-up and cool down sessions:

Warm-ups and stretching before each workout helps to elevate your body temperature, keep your muscles loose and warm for the exercise ahead, whilst preventing any sprains or injuries. The cool down session is equally important to prevent any muscle tightness and to ensure that both your heart rate and blood pressure don’t drop too quickly.

4. Know your limits and listen to your body:

If you know that you have any medical conditions, please check with your doctor before exercising outdoors. Pace yourself accordingly, do not overdo it. If you feel that you are taking too much strain, take a break or continue next time.

Why not try one of these outdoor activities to get the blood pumping?

Hiking: If you enjoy nature and open spaces, why not enquire about local hiking trails in your area? You can try it on your own or with a group of friends, with a guide or without!

Surfing: For those lucky enough to live near the coast, why not try surfing? Buy, borrow or rent a board and give it a try!

Obstacle courses: Why not be adventurous and enter an obstacle course race? This is sure to test your strength, endurance and love for the outdoors!

Soccer: Enquire about community soccer teams in your area and join a game! Or even better: get a group of friends together and allocate one day or night a week to enjoy a friendly game.